
润滑油的可持续性涵盖从原材料选择到负责任的报废管理, 使用过程中的能源效率在避免排放方面发挥着关键作用. While navigating the complexities of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), we focus on the 'intrinsic' aspects, like the impact of raw materials choices, and 'extrinsic' factors, 例如,润滑剂在使用中的性能对可持续性的贡献, that lead to e任务 savings.

可持续和循环价值链的倡导者指出,材料的设计和选择是影响内在和外在可持续性方面的主要工具. 十大正规网堵平台设计, responsible for up to 80% of environmental impact, 可持续采购推动了对更可持续十大正规网堵平台的需求. 在Perstorp, our commitment to this is twofold, emphasizing:

  • Polyol ester chemistry创新润滑油配方,以达到高环保和性能标准, reducing additive use and enhancing biodegradability.
  • Raw Material Sourcing:尽量减少对原始化石资源的依赖,并通过选择可再生和可回收材料减少从摇篮到闸门的碳足迹.  

What are the benefits of synthetic ester-based lubricants?

合成酯(V类)处于行业发展的前沿. 它们因其出色的性能和耐热性而受到好评, 使其成为电动汽车(ev)和浸入式冷却技术等尖端应用的首选. 它们受欢迎程度的上升是由于它们令人印象深刻的能力,是专门设计的,以提供最高的传热性能, and low- and high-temperature performance. 

合成酯背后的科学使我们能够微调润滑油性能,以满足高性能要求和环境标准. 这意味着我们可以利用多元醇酯化学来设计大多数润滑油的基础油特性, significantly reducing the need for additional chemicals, such as additives. This precision extends to making the lubricants readily biodegradable. 而分解的难易程度通常取决于润滑剂的厚度, with polyol esters, we can adjust this by choosing specific types of acids in the formulation. 

合成酯基润滑剂也可以经过改造,使其在水环境中更安全, 显示出与其他合成酯和某些植物油相当的低毒性水平. 当涉及到这些化学物质在生物体中积累的风险时, polyol esters can be tailored to be less likely to do so, making them a safer choice for the planet. 通过精确的工程设计,将高性能和对环境影响的考虑相结合,使多元醇酯基润滑油成为当今市场上的杰出选择. Even though the listed benefits apply to many polyol ester-based oils, 柏斯托仍然强烈主张对每种物质的环境影响进行目的测试,以考虑其预期应用.


在行业追求更可持续的润滑剂的过程中,选择合适的材料至关重要. 在Perstorp, 我们优先考虑的材料不仅能维持我们的十大正规网堵平台质量,而且与我们成为有限材料中性的长期目标保持一致. This involves a shift towards renewable and recycled raw materials, which supports circular economy principles, decreases our reliance on non-renewable resources, and lowers the carbon footprint of our products. 这种战略性的材料选择对于引导行业走向更可持续的制造实践和减少范围3排放至关重要. 

这些原则在我们生产的亲环境解决方案中得以实施. They are based on an ISCC PLUS certified mass balance approach, applying physical and chemical traceability. This approach comes with several benefits:

  • No change in formulation: 构建块的性质是不变的,因此继续支持高性能多元醇酯基润滑油的工程.  
  • Flexible Sourcing: 随着对低碳足迹的非原始化石十大正规网堵平台的需求增加,它使我们能够转移现有生产中的原材料.  
  • 信誉: 使十大正规网堵平台声明成为可能,因为从可再生和可回收的原材料到多元醇酯有真正的可追溯性和联系.

What role does data play in the life cycle assessment of lubricants?

For the lubricant industry to embrace sustainable growth, it's crucial to base our actions on reliable data, especially when it comes to reducing e任务s. 我们需要关注影响润滑油十大正规网堵平台的最具影响力的排放因素——碳足迹(PCF)。. 在Perstorp, 我们欢迎这一发展,并强调使用可靠的PCF方法和获取原始数据的重要性. 

润滑油行业正在开发一种更全面的方法来评估润滑油的“手印”, or their impact during use, to offer a clearer and fuller Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). 在这里,我们验证数据并调整跨价值链的方法再次显得很重要. 这种方式, we, along with the entire supply chain, 能否在减少润滑油对环境的影响和十大正规网堵平台碳足迹方面取得真正的进展, while demonstrating avoided e任务s.

How can the lubricant industry broaden its sustainability efforts?

Addressing climate change involves more than just reducing e任务s. 拓宽润滑油行业的可持续性工作,需要采取一种涵盖废物管理等领域的综合方法, water conservation, preventing deforestation, and ensuring responsible sourcing.  

柏斯托正致力于采用这种全面的可持续发展方法, for example by setting the ambition of becoming Finite Material Neutral. As part of this journey, we have also set science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas e任务s, as well as targets for waste and water use, and (eco) toxic impact. We acknowledge that our commitment extends beyond our operations, to our partners and customers, 认识到整个供应链的可持续转型与上游实践息息相关. 实现向可持续实践的重大转变需要整个合作伙伴生态系统的合作, all working together to develop more sustainable solutions.

Elisa Swanson-Parbäck

Business Development Director – Sustainable 润滑剂s

+46 729 77 98 98


Elisa Swanson-Parbäck

Business Development Director – Sustainable 润滑剂s

+46 729 77 98 98
