Advancing coatings based on polyurethane dispersion 侦探hnology with Ymer™

Polyurethane dispersions (PUDs) have benefited the coatings industry for years by providing versatile performance properties with minimal environmental impact. 随着对低voc的需求, 高性能涂料的发展, PUDs have become a critical component in various 应用程序, from wood flooring to automotive interiors. At the forefront of innovation and development is our Ymer™ series of nonionic dispersing monomers which enhances the formulation and performance of waterborne PUDs.

的 benefits of waterborne polyurethane dispersions 

Waterborne PUDs offer several benefits, making them an attractive choice for more sustainable and high-performance coatings. 主要优点包括:

  • 低环境影响: 聚乳酸分散在水中, 减少, or eliminating volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and minimizing harmful e任务s. 
  • 多功能性能特性: PUDs provide the 灵活性 to tailor coatings to specific needs, 从硬到硬, 从耐用表面到柔软, 灵活的完成. 
  • 定制: 的 ability to fine-tune properties such as durability, 硬度, and 灵活性 allows manufacturers to meet precise performance criteria. 
  • 稳定优异的性能: PUDs offer stable performance properties ensuring reliability and high-end 侦探hnology compatible with various substrates. 

Key 应用程序 and market trends for PUDs 

的 应用程序 of waterborne polyurethane dispersions are extensive and continually evolving to meet industry demands for sustainability and performance. 的 market for PUDs is driven by tougher 侦探hnical demands and environmental regulations. 比如汽车行业, 建设, 纺织品, and 包装 are major consumers of PUDs due to their versatile properties and environmental benefits.

汽车工业, the use of PUDs is expanding for both interior and exterior coatings, providing durable and 灵活的 solutions that comply with stringent regulations on e任务s and environmental impact. 的 industry's push for lightweight materials and sustainable manufacturing processes further drives the adoption of PUDs. 

建筑业 是另一个重要的市场, 在油漆中使用聚乳酸, 粘合剂, and sealants for building initiatives. 的 rise of sustainable urban development projects underscores the demand for PUDs as they offer low-VOC, high-performance alternatives to traditional solvent-based products.  

应用程序, driven by the fashion industry's shift towards sustainable practices, 也看到了越来越多的pud的使用. 的y provide benefits such as wash resistance, 灵活性, 柔软的感觉, making them ideal for textile coatings and leather treatments. 的se dispersions are utilized for waterproofing, 阻燃性, 耐污性, aligning with consumer preferences for non-toxic and more environmentally friendly products.

pud在中国也越来越受欢迎 包装. 对耐用的需求, 灵活的, and safe materials in food and consumer goods 包装 drives the adoption, and their excellent adhesion and printability make them suitable for a wide range of 包装 应用程序.


Ymer™ is Perstorp's range of nonionic dispersing monomers specifically designed for waterborne PUDs. 可提供三个等级- Ymer™N90, N120, and N180 - these monomers provide different levels of hydrophilicity to adjust the final properties of the coatings. 


Ymer™N90 is designed to impact softness and 灵活性 to the final product. Its long ethoxylation chain enhances steric stabilization, resulting in high shear-thinning viscosity, 优秀的pH值, 电解质稳定性. It offers excellent ethanol resistance, making it ideal for 应用程序 requiring 灵活性 and resistance to solvents.


As the middle ground among the Ymer™ grades, Ymer™N120 provides a balance of properties. It offers medium viscosity, good shear stability, and satisfactory freeze/thaw stability. This grade is suitable for a wide range of 应用程序, delivering a soft finish while maintaining good mechanical properties. 


Ymer™N180 is tailored for 应用程序 requiring 硬度 and durability. Its short ethoxylation chain results in low, Newtonian viscosity and best freeze/thaw stability among the grades. This monomer provides high König 硬度, making it ideal for robust coatings that withstand tough conditions.

Overall, the global market for waterborne polyurethane dispersions is poised for growth. As manufacturers continue to innovate and improve the performance characteristics of PUDs, 它们的采用率预计会上升, providing versatile solutions to meet the evolving needs of the market. Perstorp's Ymer™ series of dispersing monomers represents a significant advancement in PUD 侦探hnology, offering the 灵活性 to customize coatings to precise specifications. Whether the need is for softness and 灵活性 or 硬度 and durability.

Jesper Fahlen

Global Business Manager Specialty Polyols

+46 40 635 88 59


Jesper Fahlen

Global Business Manager Specialty Polyols

+46 40 635 88 59
